You need an interpreter for conferences, events or foreign cooperation sessions in a variety of languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese… ensuring accuracy, inspirational content, and correct context. SUNLIGHT with more than 10 years of experience providing customers with  interpretation services  in many different languages ​​brings you satisfaction, peace of mind and contributes to making customers’ seminars and event programs successful. more work.

What is a translation service?

There are many definitions of interpretation services, but in the most general sense, interpretation services are the transfer of information and semantic content from one language to another in spoken form. The original language that needs to be translated is called the source language and the final language that the customer needs to translate is the target language. And people who work as interpreters are collectively called interpreters and translators.

General requirements for interpretation services

For interpretation services, interpreters play a very important role. Switching languages ​​in a short time is sometimes stressful and puts great pressure on interpreters. Therefore, the interpreter needs to fully meet the following factors:

  • Fluent in at least 2 languages ​​and pronounce accurately like a native.
  • Interpreters need to understand the culture, economy or politics of the interpreting country.
  • Have good listening skills and memory. Quick and flexible with words.
  • Being agile, disciplined and always on time is also one of the essential requirements of an interpreter.
  • It is also necessary for an interpreter to have patience.
General requirements for interpretation services

General requirements for interpretation services

High quality interpretation service at SUNLIGHT

At SUNLIGHT, we provide the following types of high-quality interpretation services:

Multilingual interpretation at the scene

Multilingual on-site interpretation is one of the most prominent types of services at SUNLIGHT. We support live interpretation at important conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.

Remote interpretation, telephone interpretation

In addition to the two popular forms of interpretation above, SUNLIGHT currently also provides remote interpretation services, which means the interpreter will listen and translate, conveying messages between the dialogue parties through applications. Online applications installed on phones, laptops, tablets… such as:

  • Zalo,
  • Skype,
  • Google Meet,
  • Zoom,

This is a convenient form of interpretation that is often used for meetings, negotiations, and exchanges where the parties cannot meet in person and are geographically far away. With the interpretation service at SUNLIGHT, it will be a connecting bridge, helping customers shorten the distance between each other by conveying the right information and messages.

Project translation

For long-distance business trips or meetings about construction projects, etc. SUNLIGHT will also help provide interpreters. You only need to provide information about the project as well as location, SUNLIGHT will support and advise on the best service.

Simultaneous interpreter (cabin)

Among interpretation services, simultaneous interpretation (cabin) is considered a complex type of interpretation. The interpreter will sit in a separate, sound-isolated room called a cabin interpreter to listen with headphones and simultaneously translate through the microphone the content and message that their partner is presenting.

At SUNLIGHT, cabin interpretation service is often chosen by customers in cases such as:

  • Large events, conferences, seminars have the participation of many foreign partners, businessmen, investors, international students, etc.
  • Regular shareholder meetings and board meetings at multinational companies.
  • Programs broadcast live on television or on social networks.
  • In trials where the plaintiff or defendant is a foreigner, it is of a national nature.

Consecutive interpretation (back-to-back translation)

Consecutive interpreting, also known as back-to-back interpreting, means the interpreter will translate the spoken content into another language. After listening to the speaker, complete a paragraph so that the listener can fully understand the content and promptly catch the main ideas the speaker is trying to convey. Often, interpreter services in this form will be chosen by customers or companies and organizations for award ceremonies with the participation of foreigners.

Interpreting at SUNLIGHT in a variety of languages

With more than 10 years of experience in the field of interpretation, SUNLIGHT brings together a team of experienced interpreters and translators with high professional qualifications. Along with that, he is proficient in many types of interpretation to meet all interpretation needs in a variety of languages ​​such as English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French… Specifically:

Interpretation service in a variety of languages

Interpreting at SUNLIGHT in a variety of languages

English translation

SUNLIGHT always has a team of highly qualified English interpreters available, confident in pronouncing and communicating like native speakers. And ready to support customers’ English interpretation requests. With almost all forms of interpretation today such as escort interpretation, cabin interpretation, conference – event interpretation, negotiation interpretation or court interpretation…

Chinese interpretation

Chinese interpretation services at SUNLIGHT are performed by interpreters who have graduated with excellent degrees in Chinese language. Not only capable of professionally translating Mandarin but also Mandarin.

Korean translation

In recent years as well as in the future, the cooperative relationship and joint venture development between Korea and Vietnam is increasing. That’s why Korean interpreters are one of the most chosen services at SUNLIGHT. With a large and experienced team of translators and interpreters, we can always meet all Korean interpretation services that companies and customers are most interested in today, such as: translation and interpretation. /serial, cabin interpretation, seminar – conference interpretation, remote interpretation…

Japanese interpreters

Keeping up with the trend of economic integration, trade and cultural exchanges between Japan and Vietnam are increasingly developing. Currently, most companies and organizations have a need for Japanese interpretation in seminars, conferences, investment negotiations, research seminars… With the participation of Japanese partners. Therefore, SUNLIGHT is constantly promoting the need for cabin interpreters for this language, developing a network of interpreters in both quality and quantity to be able to support all customers and companies anywhere. wherever.

Some other languages

SUNLIGHT also provides interpretation services in other languages ​​such as:

  • French translation
  • Russian translation
  • German translation
  • Malaysian translation
  • Burmese translation

Cost of interpretation services at SUNLIGHT

At SUNLIGHT Translation Company, high quality interpretation services with a team of experienced specialists. Along with that is an understanding of many languages ​​and a deep understanding of the country of the translation language.

The price of translation will depend on many factors such as: difficulty of the language, form of translation, etc. Therefore, to get an accurate quote, please contact SUNLIGHT immediately!

Why should you choose interpretation services at SUNLIGHT?

After more than 10 years of operation, SUNLIGHT has gradually affirmed its quality, ability, and experience, which is specifically proven through the trust and satisfaction of many businesses, companies, and organizations inside and outside. country when you choose us. Not only that, SUNLIGHT has been evaluated by the Vietnam Translation Association as a quality and reputable translation and interpretation company for more than 5 consecutive years in the field of interpretation in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

SUNLIGHT – Quality, professional translation unit

Always putting TRUST first, interpretation services at SUNLIGHT bring customers great experiences and absolute peace of mind because we commit to:

  • 24/7 customer support including Saturday – Sunday, holidays, enthusiastic consultation, quick quote after only 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Providing a variety of types of interpretation to meet all customer needs such as: cabin/simultaneous interpretation, back-to-back/back-to-back interpretation, conference – event interpretation, conference interpretation, online interpretation …
  • Interpretation in many languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese… by experienced, highly qualified interpreters with a professional working attitude, carefulness, and punctuality.
  • Invest in advanced and modern translation and interpretation support equipment, ensuring the most accurate information transmission and translation process.
  • Professional, rigorous interpretation process at every smallest step to bring success to the interpretation session at customers’ events, conferences, negotiations, etc.
  • Interpretation prices are flexible, with many diverse options, depending on budget and customer needs.

How does the translation process work at SUNLIGHT?

The SUNLIGHT interpretation system touches customers’ hearts with TRUST with a professional, serious, and meticulous interpretation process down to the smallest step. Bringing great experiences, peace of mind, and absolute trust. Accordingly, the general interpretation process for most interpretation services at SUNLIGHT usually takes place according to the following basic steps:

Step 1: Receive translation project information

The customer care team will receive information as well as customer requests, documents related to projects, conferences, seminars… Depending on the nature of translation and interpretation, language of interpretation, type of Interpretation form in which the department in charge will transfer the documents to the appropriate interpreter.

Step 2: Choose a suitable interpreter

The interpreter receives and carefully reads the requirements of the interpretation project, capturing all important information and requirements such as: interpretation language (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, English…), time and location. interpretation, type of interpretation (cabin – conference – negotiation…), costumes according to customer requirements,…

The interpreter carefully reads the document as well as consults related documents to plan the best interpretation. Agree to create a glossary of terms to be used in the face-to-face or online interpretation session and then confirm with the customer. When the customer agrees, the translation will be carried out on time as requested.

Step 3: Check the interpreter’s qualifications

The interpreter will provide work experience related to the content and topic of the interpretation session and send it to the customer for reference. In this step, the company and the customer will arrange to check the English, Korean or Chinese interpretation level of the interpreter, and then determine the assignment of that interpreter with appropriate qualifications and experience. with the project.

Step 4: Perform translation

On the day of interpretation, the interpreter wears the required attire and arrives at the interpretation location 15 minutes in advance to prepare or conduct cabin interpretation depending on the type of interpretation.

Step 5: Check the quality of the translation session

After completing the interpretation session, the staff calls the customer to check the quality of the translation session, receive reviews from customers and learn from experience for future projects.

Where is the address of SUNLIGHT Translation Company?

Currently, SUNLIGHT has a branch system in both major cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Converging a team of more than 120 professional and experienced official employees, and cooperating with thousands of interpreter collaborators across the country. We are always ready to meet the needs of conference, event, seminar interpretation services… for customers not only in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City but also throughout the country.

SUNLIGHT has a branch system in both major cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

For other provinces, SUNLIGHT still supports both live interpreters or online interpreters through online software such as Zoom, Skyle, Google Meet,… With investment in quality audio transmission systems. High quality, microphone and modern sound-isolating cabin ensure the process of receiving information – translating – conveying information accurately and clearly. Helps parties converse and negotiate without any language gap.

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